Friday, November 12, 2004

Copy and Paste

I would like to say thanks to Pam even she can't read this because she doesn't know this page exist. I really appreciate her web because I learn from it by pirating her "blog". I'm talking about the green box below this page. I get some add-on to place it in my own blog but for the mean time I will not alter color green because when I'm doing this I'm also searching about ecology. Trees, animals and human living together until I don't know.

Sunday, October 24, 2004


Beginners if ever you have a problem in Turbo C code programming just Tag Me may be I can help. That's all and thank you.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Just say it

After three hours of editing my templates/personal website, well my tag-board is damaged and not functioning till now "9:10AM" I don't know if I will take my sleeping habit at day time then prepare for a quiz in my advance engineering math these afternoon or don't stop until my tag-board work again.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

It is nice to have "free"

Well this is my first time. To anyone who can read this you can send me a mail to and ask my mind. You know I can't sleep at night. A friend told me it is because I have too many questions and I'm searching for too many answers. Maybe you can ask me anything under the son so I can share my thougths. I mean you ask questions with possible answers not questioning me.

Thank you,